(Video) They Reveal Their Off Grid Cabin That They Built for Just $300. How They Made That Possible? I Want One Too!


One of the most important things about preparing for a disaster especially when you have to live off the land is making sure you have shelter. Tents or even campers and RVs are fine for certain times but you also need to think about how you're going to stay warm when it gets colder.

This video from Pure Living For Life shows you how to build a cabin that will help you and your family stay warm. Building a cabin like this that is affordable is something every prepper can do and it just might save your life!

This cabin is incredible. They wanted to re-purpose as many materials as they could to make this cabin to keep them dry and protected from the elements and it is so awesome! The even have a wood stove to keep everything warm including their RV. If you need to make a shelter that is affordable for when SHTF, this is the way to go. It sure to meet all your needs and more!

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