(Video) They Might Look Like Blueberries, But a Handful of These Things Could Quickly End a Life…


You probably already know how to find edible plants in the wild. You may even find such plants or weeds right on your lawn! Plantain, dandelion, cattail, clover and mallow plants are all prime examples of wild plants you can actually eat.

It's great to know all about what you can consume, but do you know how to recognize plants that are toxic? This is a vital skill every survivalist needs to know if they want to stay safe.

We're about to share an interesting video about the true deadly nightshade Atropa belladonna. The perennial plant is often found in small shrubs with thick roots. The plant's flowers are tubular in shape and dark purple in color.

This plant also produces green berries that eventually become a more dark blue shade that makes it look similar to blueberries. The belladonna plant may look harmless to some, but it's considered one of the most deadly plants out there.

You can check out the video on the next page to find out the history and facts behind this toxic plant.

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