(Video) They Give Us a Tour of an Off Grid Yurt. How it Looks? I’m Blown Away!


Off the grid living has its sacrifices but housing is the one thing, besides food, water, electricity and bathroom facilities, that men and women really need to think about.

Is this amount if closeness good for you despite the seemingly awesome space a yurt has to offer?

Honestly, we can see ourselves in a yurt, us and the dog, but having too many family members in it could get uncomfortable. Also, we think it would take more than one solar panel to make us happy. TV and laptop are musts for our lifestyle (and job!) but – sure – the outhouse is doable!

Yet, think about it seriously. In the SHTF future, in our estimation, those living in small houses, bug out shelters and yurts will have it over those who do not!


