(Video) They Give Us a Tour of a Luxurious Doomsday Bunker. Is it Worth Being a Part of Something Like This?

Silo Control Room

Luxury and “doomsday bunker” are not usually two things that go together. When we think about the grid going down and a SHTF scenario the idea of bugging out takes on a roughing its mindset. While expected, this is not necessarily anticipated with anything next to delight.

However, there are some men and women out there that have been taking many great things under consideration and have introduced us to an underground bunker that is not just comfortable but smart. The basics of food production are there but also some things that can be just as important. RE: Entertainment.

Yes, it may seem the last thing to think about while surviving but there really is something to it. If the joy has gone out of life, if it is an unending struggle, something has got to give.

People need to be able to take a break, watch movies, laugh, and even have a cook-out of sorts with friends, or the future may become very bleak!

Go on over to the next page and watch this entertaining video about the potential of a “luxury” bunker.

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  1. Jennifer Staten said:

    Yeah because everyone knows they will have enough diesel to sustain life for a few months at best.

  2. Syed K Hussain said:

    Deborah Harrison Sharp so Hillary killed 4 Americans really 11hrs congressnional hearings Ex First Lady less Patriot thn u ?you the Judge now to convict ppl ?Gestapo$#%&!@*propaganda news agency !Trump is a con damn man

  3. Syed K Hussain said:

    Deborah Harrison Sharp Gary Johnson has more newspaper endorsements than Donald Trump.

  4. Patrick W Muttart said:

    Who wants liberal news paper endorsements anyway and Gary Johnson doesn’t know about the city of Aleppo, WOW.


