(Video) These Real Life Hunting Stories Are Bizarre But Supposedly True. Just How Freaky They Are? Let’s Decide:


Venturing out into the wilderness can at once be calming and invigorating, especially when you're venturing out to begin a hunt. Sitting in the quiet woods, waiting for game, can be one of the most relaxing experiences of your life. For some hunters, though, it can be the most terrifying.

Some people experience some of the worst moments the world has to offer while hunting. No, these aren't stories of UFOs, Bigfoot, or monsters.

Well, not monsters in the conventional sense. These are terrifying stories that are sworn to be true, told by people seasoned with experience in the backwoods. They know what should be out there, and they know what shouldn't. The things they witnessed fall into the latter.

Now, just in time for the spooky season, listen to three terrifying but true tales.

For more on some spooky hunting stories you can't miss, check out the video on the next page.

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  1. Jay Martin said:

    I have spent a lot of time in the woods, and only ran into other hunters. However, with the mfg of drugs in isolated areas, you have to be on your toes. There always is the chance you can run into the hermit, who lives off the grid, but most of the time they are harmless. Then you have the anti social nut cases, and others hiding from the law. I am almost always armed, except for some scouting excursions.

  2. Charles Quevedo said:

    I’m currently caring for my elderly parents (mother has Dementia, father is deaf). After they die, I’ll be homeless. I was planning on hitchhiking to the Alaskan wilderness to try to survive there. I thought the ONLY things I would have to worry about was bears or packs of wolves. But after hearing these stories, I’m afraid of meeting serial killers out there. I’m a little freaked out.

  3. Jay Martin said:

    You have a better chance of running into a deranged maniac in the City than you do in th e woods.

  4. Lance Kilkenny said:

    BULLSHIT! Didn’t watch more than a few seconds.

    “Remington 798 sniper rifles”

    Another idiot who either knows NOTHING about firearms or hunting, or a political loonie-toon intentionally trying to make hunters look stupid.



