(VIDEO) These Quick and Easy Life Hacks Will Blow Your Mind!

kiwi fruit

Life hacks are great. They can take what would be just another annoyance in your day and turn it into a win for you. With enough life hacks, you can come out on top, for a change. Check out the video below to learn some great tricks that you'll be amazed you didn't know.

Who knew that potato chips make an even more suitable fire starter than lighter fluid? Or that kiwi fruit can be spared the mangling blade of a knife? It turns out the skin on a kiwi is completely edible and adds three times the fiber to the fruit, as well as a nice crunch, but if you really can't get past those hairs, this is a really useful trick.

The shower hack is one of the best. No more spending five minutes just trying to dial in the perfect temperature. Now you can use that extra time actually taking a shower! Or just hit snooze one more time.


