(VIDEO) These Practical Survival Uses From a Tampon Will Blow Your Mind

tampon survival uses

Many women would say that tampons are a lifesaver. As it turns out, they may not be exaggerating.

Survivalists have found some pretty spectacular ways to make use of this common addition to purses that may make it a new staple for bug out bags everywhere. Check out these uses below.

What makes tampons so useful is that they are very absorbent. It should come as no surprise that they should be a first aid staple in bug out bags because they sop up a lot of blood (who would have thought?). There are even accounts of soldiers shoving tampons in bullet wounds to stop the blood flow.

The amazing absorbability of tampons also means that they fluff out a lot to make an excellent tinder. A light spark and you'll have a flame in no time. I know what I'm stocking up on.

This video provided a lot of insight into how tampons can be put to use outside their intended arena.

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