(VIDEO) These Glass Arrowheads Are Awesome! Learn How to Make and Use Them to Survive…

glass arrowhead

Being able to make arrowheads out of glass is a skill that could come in very handy in a survival situation – especially if you do not have traditional weaponry at your avail.

Regardless, even if you never have to make arrowheads, knowing how to work with glass is a very useful survival skill to possess.

Ideally, if you find yourself confronted with a survival situation, you have enough supplies and weapons on hand to make it through.

If you do not or if your stock runs low, however, you will have to improvise. One way of doing that is to scavenge for articles you can fashion into weapons.

What other common materials can you think of that would either help in making glass arrowheads or be used to make other survival weaponry? Tell us below.


  1. Alan Finck said:

    its flint “knapping” and glass is altogether different than flint

  2. Dingus McGregor McGee said:

    it’s funny to see people learn how to make them and then see them in flee markets listed as authentic indian made arrowheads with a pricetag of $100 each.

  3. Paul Sellars said:

    Native people having been knapping points out of obsidian, or volcanic glass, for millennia. Nothing special or surprising here.

  4. Thomas Bolman said:

    This is a skill that is much harder then it looks. Most of the traditional or historical skill sets are all much harder then they look. Heck, Blacksmithing is insanely complex, yet people will think it only involves “Heat it and Beat it.” Learn these and other skills it will keep you off the streets.

  5. Anonymous said:

    Glass is certainly easier to knapp than flint or chert, but it still takes a bit of practice to make good arrowheads. I like using obsidian for making them, but the bottom of a bottle works pretty well also. Curved glass, from the side of the bottle, is harder to work with due to the shape.


