(Video) These Bobby Pin Hacks for Survival Can Get a Prepper Out of a Bind or Two!

bobby pin uses

During a collapse, preppers will be amazed at how many situations a bobby pin can be used for!

Preppers know that you need to have many different kinds of supplies and different ways of doing things because you may not always have all of your supplies on you at all times.

For example, you might need to sew some clothes or a wound, but you don't have a needle. Or you may need to hang clothes up to dry, but all of your clothes pins are being used.

What do you do in these situations? Every good prepper knows that you find a different way to do the things you need to do. This incredible video shows you several different hacks for using a bobby pin to make survival just a little easier.

This is one survival tool you want to make sure to include in your bug out bag!

To learn the many hacks you can use with just one bobby pin when SHTF, check out the next page and watch this video for some amazing hacks!

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