(Video) The Survival Quiz That’ll Test a Person’s Intelligence and Thus Teach Them How to Survive Better

testing intelligence

A lot of people, mostly those who are not preppers, think that we who enjoy survival training, prepping, and thinking ahead of a chaos situation, are not altogether too bright when it comes to the “real world”. If only they knew. FYI: We are not all slack-jawed “survival nuts” without a thought – other than living in the tent – in our heads.

As a matter of fact, quite the contrary! We’ve met many through these pages who are very intelligent, the type(s) that think outside the box, and the kind of men and women who can solve a “real world” problem much faster than those who profess to be brilliant and in the “upper two percent”.

We bring this up because none of us should ever dismiss or underestimate a person’s intelligence. While some may never have the English skills that make for a great public speaker, those same people may be mathematical geniuses! And while some are whizzes on Wall Street, they may never be able to survive a SHTF scenario!

How smart are you? On the next page, we have a “survival quiz”, games of logic that will make you think outside of that box. Can you do it? We think you can. No, you may not get all of them right but just think how much you will learn when finished! Check it out!

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