(VIDEO) The Secrets of Stealth Camping Revealed…

stealth camping

One area of concern that many people have with regards to bugging out is the idea of camping while bugging out. Yes, most bug out bags will have a tarp or some form of shelter in them for emergency purposes, but the problem with normal camping in a bug out situation is that you need to be concerned with people finding you will you're sleeping.

There will be millions of unprepared people roaming around, ready to take from those who have prepared for such situations. Most of them will be ordinary people just trying to take care of their families.

To prevent a potentially deadly altercation, it will be best to completely avoid other people until you get to your bug out location or until things simmer down.

For that reason, you need to learn the practices and techniques of stealth camping today, because it may just save your life tomorrow. Learn more on the next page.

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