(VIDEO) The Largest Spider in the World Is Unlike Anything a Prepper Has Ever Seen…

giant spider

This is another spider post, because spiders are one part creepy and one part cool and if you are facing a survival situation, they can range from nuisance to deadly threat if you are not careful.

Spiders live virtually everywhere and generally are not aggressive, but many, if confronted at least can deliver a powerful bite that can cause a range of symptoms.

Those include swelling, itchiness, discoloration and pain on one end of the scale to headaches, nausea, increased blood pressure and heart rate.

In extremely rare occasions, a spider bite can lead to severe infection, loss of limb and in the most extreme cases, loss of life.

To see a video that highlights the largest spider we have discovered so far, check out the next page.

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  1. Nathan Purk said:

    They should re name it the shotgun spider, because that’s what I’m gonna use to kill it lol

  2. Derrick Liner said:

    Sorry… I couldn’t even finish watching the video.. Sure knowledge is power. I’ll just stay away from caves in Laos.. Enough said.

  3. Fred Weafer said:

    Jonathan-Stephanie Spargo I saw your spider post. This one is bigger than the bucket.

  4. Luke Sweetman said:

    That video was fear mongering at its finest! They’re harmless and can be even be handled with care!

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