(VIDEO) The Grid is Down and You Need to Know Who You Can Trust. Here’s How to Tell if Someone is Lying.

signs that someone is lying

Everybody lies. Accepting this major fact of life is one of the most terrifying and liberating moments you'll ever experience. On the one hand, you'll find yourself feeling a lot more cynical once you've accepted this fact, but on the other hand, you'll find yourself ready to look for fibs and slip ups much more readily than if you accepted every word out of other people's mouths as the gospel truth.

But what do you need to look for in a lie?

There are a lot of ideas on this, and many of the commonly accepted “rules” of lying are actually completely false.

For instance, most people think liars will look away a lot when they lie, but the reality is that liars are more likely to maintain eye contact.

What else do you need to know about how to read a person? Find out by watching this insightful video on the next page.

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One Comment;

  1. Jason Miller said:

    Listen to your gut. If you are in a survival situation and$#%&!@*don’t feel right. Hair on your arms and neck rises, adrenaline kicks in, bitterly effect in belly, hot flushes feeling, something is wrong. If the air around you changes becomes very crisp and clear as well as enhanced or brighter then you’re in a bad situation with someone. Be careful when SHTF. Helping people is good but at the same time in today’s world can cost you the lives of your friends and family. Friends and family will be some of the people who turn on you. Be careful sometimes youre safer with strangers.


