(Video) The Easiest Way to Sharpen a Knife in a SHTF Situation is Something Everyone Already Has Access To…

knife sharpener

Having the right tool for the job is the cornerstone of any profession in which you work with your hands. Usually, the biggest problem here is that there are times in which you lose track of your tool or forget it at the most inconvenient moments.

This is just as true of your sharpening tools as it is for your regular tools.

When your knife needs to be honed, but you don't have a honing steel or a stone on you, what are you going to do?

Luckily, nearly every person has ample access to one of the best honing tools available… and they don't even know it!

If you own a vehicle, it can serve not only to get you to the hunt, but it can also bring new life to your weathered knife edge before you need to process your game.

Learn this new trick by checking out the video on the next page and try it out on your next hunt!

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  1. Mike Long said:

    although you can use glass and porcelain to Help sharpen your blade, it will not bring it to a decent point. (if the blade had large dull spots(ive tried after really dulling a knives edge on purpose. to mimic a few years of hard and verry careless use)) they should be used in the place of a strop.
    and theres alwayse rocks on the ground that you can use, you just have to find the right ones (by touch) to use.

  2. Mike Long said:

    porous stones will be better at giveing you an edge shape and smoother stones will help sharpen the edge. honing stones are porous and the glass is smooth. same concept

  3. Outdoors Styx said:

    I’ve tried this a few times. Never worked that great. It’s only to keep an fine edge that had little wear.

  4. Daniel Pratt said:

    My dad showed me that trick when i was a kid i use it at work to touch up my buck 110 occasionally

  5. Carjack Malone said:

    I’ve worked in kitchens my entire career and I use my personal knives, so knife maintenance is a big deal to me. You would be surprised what you can use to hone in an edge. I often use the rounded edge of steel prep tables to bring an edge back to a nice point. Aluminum foil folded over a few times can really polish an edge nicely. Also, I’d highly recommend investing in a set of diamond impregnated sharpening cards- I use them all the time on Cozzinis. I’ve had the same $30 set for years and I use it about every other day.

  6. Matthew Chapin said:

    I’ve tried that… didn’t notice much of an improvement… and now I don’t even have a vehicle, so the “something everyone already has…” is bunk.

  7. Tony Torre said:

    My ceramic coffee mug works great as well though it’s a bit unnerving for my clients lol.

  8. David Bretz said:

    He’s not sharpening it. Running it on the glass is the same as using running a knife on a steel. It’s just straightening the little teeth that occur when doing an actual sharpening.


