(Video) The Canned Foods That Have the Longest Shelf Life Are Astounding

canned foods

When you’re stuck in a SHTF situation, you want to know that your food will last you.

Whether you’re snowed in and unable to leave the house, having to lodge unexpectedly at your bug out shelter, or you’re stuck indoors because things have become too dangerous outside, your food needs to be able to last.

What if you’re stuck in your underground bomb shelter for the next two years? Will your food supply last you?

You never know how long you’ll have to wait it out.

You’re in luck. We’ve got the answers on which canned foods have the longest shelf life, and which ones will be the best choices to stock up on in case of an emergency.

Check out the video on the next page to learn what cans of food tend to last the longest!

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  1. Deborah Collett said:

    Is it because they are high in salt. Or can all can good last if kept in cool place

  2. Rob Anderson said:

    How old is this video? If he was bragging about the pink salmon date was 2016 it must be a few years old.

  3. Richard Hottenstine said:

    I looked it up on YouTube, the video was uploaded on 19 April 2011. The guy’s channel is survivor 2012.

  4. Albert Jones said:

    Deborah Collett. Yes it is because they are high in salt. Not all canned goods can last more then a year. If you are looking for foods that will last for many years your best bet to avoid high salt content are dried foods. Beans, rice, pastas, dried potatoes and such items. The best thing to remember is Oxygen is the enemy of all things. So if you buy a large bag of rice and want to store it you should also buy mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. You can get them online and find instructions to use them properly. For example. Rice stored properly can last in a cool dry place for up to 35 years.

  5. Les Gene Herring said:

    And of course a recent study has shown this information is wrong. If the can isn’t rusted, bulging, crushed or emitting a bad smell then most likely it is good. Of course the swedes can rotten fish, so just eat that$#%&!@*anyway, its supposed to be swollen and smell like rotten fish…

  6. Edward Brehm said:

    I’ve eaten beef out of the freezer that was six years old. I’m still here.

  7. billy bob said:

    spam pizza in the moning,yum.

  8. tim said:

    survivor 2012? looks like he made it. lol

  9. Snyder Smith said:

    I found out working in retail that ‘sell by’ dates are set mainly by the manufacturer and based on sales cycles more than food spoiling.

  10. Surviving In Chaos said:

    I don’t store pull-top cans (except freeze dried). I’m afraid they won’t last as long because air can leak in more easily if they are accidentally dropped or banged up.

  11. A Michael Gautreaux said:

    I just started canning my own meats in mason jars. Curious to see how long they’ll last. Plus I’d much rather fresh, preservative free meat I’ve inspected myself than spam or that other crap

  12. Clyde Joslin said:

    If you like this stuff, then check out Keystone Meats. It’s canned beef, Pork, or Chicken , canned in nothing but sea salt and water. Good stuff.

  13. Paul Bonner said:

    In 1972 we ate k rations from 1944.It didn’t taste too bad,,the cookies were rock hard and the cigarette s were stale.

  14. Joseph Blackthorn Ravensnight said:

    Good video, I hope to see more info videos or articles on Inexpensive long term food items , he was right about the cost of mountain house and other brands, some of us are on a very tight budget.

  15. Debi Funkhouser said:

    Can your own foods. Just bought ham for 97¢ per pound. Pressure can it! Home canned foods (most) last for years.

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