(Video) The 5 Largest Spiders in the World Are Terrifying!


They’re creepy, crawly and, for some, the greatest creatures in the world! If you love spiders or are interested to see some of the really big ones, you really must watch the video below! I hope I never have to encounter one of these things!

While arachnids may not be everyone’s cup of tea, you have to admire them. They have a beauty about them that is both visual, with their various colors and patterns, and strangely visceral. The way many spiders catch their prey, both with webs and without, is fascinating!

Just keep the risks in mind as you hike through the wilderness. As interesting as spiders are, they can also be very dangerous. Respect them. Keep them, no matter what species and how large, out of your bugout home and sleeping bag. It will make for a good night snooze!

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