(Video) The 10 Wilderness Lies This Prepper Dispels Sheds Some Light on What NOT to Believe


Many preppers base what they stockpile and know how to do on what they read about, watch, and hear from other people. This is great as long as those people have experience in surviving in the wilderness and off the land.

However, as Everyday Tactical explains in this video, what many people believe about surviving the wilderness may be completely false. It is important to know what you should not believe so that you are more likely to survive!

Who knew that there were so many things that we have always believed about surviving in the wildness that isn't true. One of the most common lies about wilderness survival is that if you like to hike or camp you will be better able to survive in the wilderness.

Another thing that many people believe that is untrue is as long as you have a knife you can survive. Finally, another thing to not believe is that if you find water, you will be able to find fish.

If you are aware of these wilderness tips that are not true and what you should do instead, you can make sure you will be ready when the times comes to live off the land.


  1. Ray Zaballa said:

    You would be lucky to catch a fish with that giant hook and all that terminal gear and thick fishing line.

  2. Ray Zaballa said:

    I clicked on the video link and all I got was a Walmart commercial.

  3. Ray Zaballa said:

    After going thru 2 hard-to-load pages I never did find the link to the video. This site is a scam – bait and switch to connect you to a bunch of advertising spam so I am going to unfollow.

  4. Graham Wright said:

    Big hooks can catch big fish , small hooks can catch small & big fish .
    General misconception :- I can run a marathon / swim miles / whatever means I can walk in the wilderness all day wearing a rucksack . Different muscle groups , blisters , changing terrain , no map reading skills etc

  5. James Pallasch said:

    Most people do not plan to fail! They fail to plan. Even worse, they think they are superman and cannot fail! Just because you can swim is not a good reason to jump right into a rain swollen river. Just because you impressed your date at the fair and ‘rang the bell’ is no reason to believe you are able to split cord wood all day. I know it sounds trite, but, survival is no accident. If staying in place is not an option, get your head on straight and if at all possible, team up with a like thinking individual or group that you trust(you must be trustworthy yourself)and hit the wilderness. Never, never forget where you are and what it is you are attempting to accomplish! Most small enterprises fail for two reasons. One is, they have not full knowledge of what they are attempting to do and, undercapitalization. Undercap. can be equated to equipment stockpiled. Increasing your knowledge should be never ending and solicited where ever possible and evaluated. And a good dose of good judgement and common sense makes the whole plan come together. IT IS CERTAINLY MUCH BETTER TO BE PREPARED AND NEVER NEED TO PUT YOUR PLAN IN MOTION THAN TO NEED IT AND STAND THERE SCRATCHING YOUR$#%&!@*WISHING YOU HAD PREPARED. I am still kicking my rear for not buying Google in it’s early days! Lesson learned to be sure.

  6. Nikolas Berlin Mayhew said:

    This video is pretty useless. Unless you’re talking to someone that has no clue what they’re talking about and just talking out of their$#%&!@* you will never hear any of this. None of this stuff even remotely makes sense.


