(Video) Survivor Lilly Shows Us How to Build an Oven with Air Circulation and it’s Incredible!


When we have to bug out and leave our homes, this means that we will be living off the land. If you lost some of your survival supplies or they don't work as well anymore, you may need to build an oven to cook your food in using natural supplies you find around you.

Survival Lilly shows us how to make an amazing oven out of stones in this video. You'll be surprised by how well it works and you'll definitely want this during a collapse.

Wow, this oven is incredible. It is made by digging a hole and then placing stones next to and on top of each other while still allowing air to flow through. The dirt helps to insult the oven making it nice and hot. This way whatever you bake will be cooked thoroughly. If you don't already have a stove or oven and need to make one, this is the one you are going to want to make when SHTF!

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