[VIDEO] Survival Myths That Could Really Harm You in a SHTF Moment


Surviving a SHTF moment is difficult enough without adding to it by embracing commonly held beliefs that are actually utterly untrue. Worse, they can in some cases be deadly.

For example, did you know that contrary to what a lot of people believe, moss does not always grow on the north side of a tree?

If you thought that and were in a survival situation and acted on it, thinking you were walking north towards help, you could easily be walking in any direction and not realize it until you wasted hours of energy and daylight and something tipped you off it was wrong.

While many survival “hacks” or tips are reliable, many others are not.

The video on the next page covers several survival myths that at best would make your survival experience less pleasant, but at worst, could kill you.

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One Comment;

  1. William Wilhite said:

    A great deal of survival is based on how well you know your area. Trees plants weather ect. Take someone 500 miles from what there used to and there not gonna make it.


