(Video) Survival Lilly Shows Us How to Make a Fish Trap While Utilizing the Fast Weaving Method

Lilly and Fish Trap

If ever we find ourselves lost in the wilderness, we will need to eat and drink. Yes, that goes without saying. If we are fortunate enough to run into a freshwater lake that will help us with the thirst issue but unless we have a rifle with us those nuts and berries will taking our grumpy hiking group only so far.

If we are fortunate enough to run into a freshwater lake that will help us with the thirst issue but unless we have a rifle with us those nuts and berries will taking our grumpy hiking group only so far.

What we need to do is fish. And, without the proper equipment, our best bet will be to fashion some kind of handmade fish trap. Finding worms for bait should not be too hard so it looks promising. Our fish dinner is practically plated!

However, If you do not know the first thing about a fish trap or how to construct one you will want to take a look at Survival Lilly’s video on the next page! Just remember, patience is a virtue!

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  1. Grant Weaver said:

    This chick is well worth following on YouTube. She’s highly skilled at what she does.

  2. Billy Dolan said:

    Jessie T. Sunny idk if u ever heard of this chick but she does her thing haha

  3. Paul Luttrull said:

    I’m a big fan of Survival Lilly and she is an inspiration to my granddaughter

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