(VIDEO) Stay Cool While Bugging Out and Learn How to Freeze Water in Seconds!

frozen water

If you're planning to go on a camping trip, hike, or bug out on a hot summer day, you're going to need something refreshing and cold to add to your supplies. This easy and quick trick will turn your water into ice instantly! That way you can just put it in your backpack, head out to bug out, and it will stay cold long enough for you to grab a refreshing drink.

What you need to complete this trick is purified water that is “supercooled.” Water usually freezes at 32°F (0°C), but purified water needs to be at a temperature of -43.6°F (-42°C) so that it'll freeze.

Unfortunately, purified water does not have the organic particles that it needs for crystallization, so it ends up being “supercooled” at a regular freezing temp. Most freezers won't get cold enough for water that's purified to be anything other than cold water!

So, how do you go about turning this supercooled water into ice? Watch the video on the next page to see how this trick works! 

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  1. Thom Fetz said:

    This is not a survival hack, it’s a water trick. A neat trick, but nothing you would wait for in a bug out situation.

  2. Chuck Gibson said:

    Where did the freezing the water is 1 second come into play cuz it took him 3hrs 10 minute just to get the water ready to freeze what an idiot

  3. Roy Kidder said:

    A 4-minute video that claims to freeze a bottle of water in a second after freezing it for over three hours. I don’t get it.


