(Video) Some of the Most Stunning Hikes in the World Make Us Want to Drop Everything and Go Right Now!

The Kalalau Trail

Often, when we get into “survival mode,” we tend to forget the other side of the coin when it comes to camping and hiking. We veer to thinking only of the survival aspect, how we are going to feed ourselves and get water when the SHTF, without truly seeing the beauty of the world around us!

Let’s step back and take a break from survival training and prepping for just a moment and really look at what is out there. From Hawaii to Indonesia, there are some incredibly beautiful walking trails in this world. They challenge us, for certain, but they are also life-affirming.

If what you really need is climbing Mount Everest to feel a sense of accomplishment these may not be what you are looking for.

However, if you do want a test, something a bit simpler but still daunting, you may want to look over on the next page.

Watch this beautiful video, featuring some great hiking trails that can take anywhere from a few days to a week or more to travel.

While challenging yourself you will also be greeted with a scenic gorgeousness that will remind you why men and women were put on Earth in the first place. Go take a look!

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