[VIDEO] Simple Way To Get Yourself Out Of Zip Ties.. It’s Easy!

If this young woman can escape then certainly you can too! Click on the video below and see how it is done!


Some zip ties include a small tab that can be pressed for a release. The zip will undo itself so the tie can be removed.

But most of the time when the zip tie is tightened it is not meant to be released unless broken or cut. This is the most common zip tie.

In other words, what the young lady does here is pretty amazing!


  1. Dib Hopkins said:

    Now how do you do it if they are behind your back? Only an idgit would secure the hands in front!

  2. Stephen Wright said:

    You get a piece of wire or paper clip or even a piece of fingernail and insert it into the locking tab on the zip tie and you can loosen them.


