[VIDEO] Simple Paracord Storage With ‘No Tangle’ Release!

If you have a lot of paracord to store, you know that it can get tangled. And trying to untangle paracord (or any cord for that matter) is a real time waster and can hinder the project you need it for. Especially if you're in a pinch for time.

Many have tried to come up with alternatives, but most of these methods have the same flaws: The method itself gets unwieldy or it stresses the paracord to the point where it begins to compromise.

Worse, when you go to use the paracord, if you have any length at all, it can get tangled and is a royal pain to untangle. This method is the best I have seen for storing large amounts of paracord.

It uses a crochet hook to create chain stitches to make a braid and then slip stitches to “crochet” a paracord map of virtually any size.

The video on the next page shows you how easy it is to master this technique for storing your paracord in a compact space as well as a method for storing Type 1 paracord.


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