(Video) SHTF and Someone’s in Trouble. Here’s How to Quickly Construct a DIY Winch Using Limited Materials.

DIY winch

When you are in a SHTF situation, it is important to be prepared for anything. You need to know some basic skills to get you and your family out of tricky, dangerous situations and back to safety.

One crucial survival skill is knowing how to make a winch and get your vehicle out of the most difficult situation.

As Norwegian Bushcraft shows us in this video, it is easier to make one out of supplies you have than you might think. Rescuing yourself from these situations may be the only option!

Conclusion: It is simply amazing how you can make a winch out of some rope, some branches and some time and effort on your part. The even more amazing thing is that it actually does work! This means you won't have to stay stranded on the road when SHTF and you can truly be self-sufficient which may be the most important key to your survival.


