(Video) PVC – It’s Everywhere But is it the Most Versatile Survival Material Out There?


If you live anywhere but an undeveloped country – and even there sometimes – chances are you are within feet of some sort of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) piping.

PVC is the third most widely produced synthetic plastic polymer, after polyethylene and polypropylene.

In the USA, piping made of PVC accounts for 66% of all sewage piping and the largest majority of materials used in municipal water and sewage mains as well as being prolific in housing construction.

Quite literally, PVC piping is everywhere, comes in many different sizes, is easy to work with and can be rendered water-tight with very little effort.

That makes it one of the most versatile survival resources out there.

The video on the next page covers 17 uses for PVC piping in a survival situation; check it out!

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One Comment;

  1. Deirdre Greene said:

    For storage sake in case of need… what sizes,lengths and quanities should I keep around?


