(Video) Preppers Will Find This Hard to Believe, But There’s a Way to Make Survival Superfood That’ll Last 150 Years!

making survival superfood

Make sure you check out this awesome and incredible video to learn how you can use basic flour, salt, and water to make a food that truly changes the meaning of the term superfood! Who knew with these basic yet quality ingredients you could make food that'll last on your shelf for more than a hundred years!  It is so impressive!

I never knew that you can make a food that lasts one hundred and fifty years with just flour, salt, and a little bit of water. This is a super food that has been found in museums that people used to eat back in the Civil War! It may not taste wonderful but it can keep you from starving when Doomsday hits!


  1. Steven Hilton said:

    Definitely a good skill to know, but hardly a “superfood” in any sense of the word.
    Might make a super$#%&!@*though.

  2. Derreck Webb said:

    hard as dog bisquits! will break teeth. soak in water before consumption.


