(Video) Man Gets His Hands On an Old Dishwasher Motor and What He Does With It is Incredible!

dishwasher motor generator

Electrical power is one of those things we take for granted up until it is suddenly gone.

When that happens, our world grinds to a halt.

Everything from online access to lighting to refrigeration is affected and we suddenly are thrown back to the early 1900's in terms of technology and creature comforts.

That is why it is very important to have a backup system that can at least power your main systems.

Most of us opt for a gas-powered, backup generator, but another option is to make your own power generator that uses manpower to produce electricity.

To do that, however, you have to understand the basics of what components you need!

The video on the next page is an interesting project of basic, hand-cranked power generation that shows you how each component works.

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