(Video) Making a Primitive Bow and Arrow for When the Grid Goes Down

bow and arrow

Make your own primitive bow and arrow! Not only is this a great tool to have for when the grid goes down, learning how to make one is a skill you shouldn't pass up. Learn how to make one by watching the video. This is amazing.

With enough patience, this amazing handcrafted bow and arrow set could be yours! No matter what type of weapon you choose to go with, remember to evaluate its usefulness for your current situation.

Obviously, a bow is ideal for long distance self-defense and hunting. You just might want to practice your aim a little bit before that happens…


  1. Cyrus Hunter said:

    Hell yeah. Another one to make is out of tent poles. It’s like a long bow, close range and great for small critters. Also can use sections of tent poles for arrows.Message me and I’ll tell you in depth how to

  2. Charles McDonald said:

    This dudes videos are awesome. He really shows how easy it is to make something out of nothing

  3. Ernest Levesque said:

    Learn more than one way to make a bow and arrows. You can make one using PVC pipe. May not last long but could hold together long enough to get or make something better. U tube has videos of many people who have made them. I have made one myself and can say it works and it used it to take a rabbet, enough said.


