[VIDEO] Make This Fire Starting Survival Kit

Fire is almost as important as water if you are up to your eyeballs in a survival situation.

If the environment is right, say it is freezing, fire can be even more critical in that without it you can get hypothermia or even freeze to death.

In acute situations, say below zero temperatures, your ability to build a fire quickly and easily is vital to you being able to survive.

Fire also provides you a way to purity water, cook food, protect yourself from animals and it is a morale builder – there is nothing better than warming up on a cold day next to a fire and at night, even in a survival situation, fire provides comfort.

That is why it is critical that you have a well-stocked fire kit with your survival kit, bug-out bag and in your vehicle.

In the video on the next page, we show you how to assemble your fire kit.


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