(Video) Make Sure Vital Electronic Devices are Protected by Making This Faraday Cage on the Cheap

Faraday cage

Grid crippling natural EMP’s generally occur as the result of the elecctrostatic discharge, meteor impacts, and coronal mass ejections; manmade EMP’s can come in the form of powerline surges, nuclear and non-nuclear electromagnetic pulses.

A Faraday cage provides a wall of protection from EMP’s and devices stored in them will function after the attack; here is how to make one “on the cheap.”

The likelihood of an EMP devastating our electrical grid and devices is fairly remote – but it is possible and has happened before (although in a much less impactful event).

Making your own Faraday cage is one way of making sure your vital electronic devices are protected.

How would you improve this Faraday cage on the cheap? Tell us below.


