(VIDEO) Make a Crossbow From Scratch and be Prepared to Handle Anything During SHTF!


Feeding yourself is a top priority in a survival situation, right after shelter and water. While you may know a lot of edible plants in the area, you will likely need to couple these with some game to provide yourself the calories you'll need.

For that reason, you may want to make yourself a primitive crossbow to get some heftier food on the menu.

While this video shows the use of bamboo as the material for your crossbow, you can use this same technique with many types of flexible materials.

A crossbow allows you to have much more accurate aim than a standard bow, especially if you don't have much practice with archery. It will also enable you to hold the shot for much longer while you're waiting for a target opening.

This is an excellent skill to have, and if you are planning on venturing into the wilderness, it may be something you'll want to practice.


  1. Semore Deadmen said:

    Too bad it didn’t go into more detail. At least I know where to start now though.


