(Video) Long Term Wilderness Survival Is Essential. That’s Why Learning How to Make THIS Can Help With Numerous Tasks!

bushcraft survival skills

I had many questions when watching the build and demonstration below. The bushcrafter explains in his notes that he used bark from a spruce tree but you can also use birch, willow, and poplar.

While he used fire without a second thought it has also been suggested, for more than a couple uses, to utilize hot stones to heat up the water inside the bark container.

This is a unique idea and really fascinating to watch. We liked that there was no dialogue and he allowed us to visually see all he did. We definitely took notes and also thought that, although he did wet the bark, that actually soaking it in water before clipping might be helpful too.

And – oh yeah – that stew looked delicious!


  1. Shaun Simmons said:

    The bark can also be steamed or briefly boiled to soften it, but that’s more time and resources, so more suitable for an established camp rather than an immediate, survival-type situation.

  2. Scott Rickard said:

    Did not expect that. I can think of several uses for that technique now. Very clever.


