(VIDEO) Learn How to Throw a Knife Russian Army Style

KGB Knife

Knife throwing skills may not necessarily be the first thing you think about when hiking through the wilderness but they certainly can come in handy if a situation gets out of hand. Have an assailant coming at you with severe injury or death in its eyes, you might want to know how to throw that knife!

Granted, as our host said at the end of the video, you never want to throw your knife, your sole weapon of protection away, leaving you helpless. However, should the occasion call for it – it is nice to know, with rehearsal, you can become an expert knife thrower.

In the end, having knife throwing skills could save your life!


  1. Alex Campbell said:

    Can’t say he is that skilled. By steps away and rotation of the knife. It’s not that hard. You could even throw from the handle.same applies with an axe

  2. Alex Campbell said:

    The difference is that I’m not selling a false story. Just saying. As long as you know your weapon and paces you can determine for your self. 🙂

  3. Dave Ide said:

    First lesson in knife throwing .. Don’t throw your knife !! Throw a big$#%&!@*rock, stick, piece of rebar or pipe along w/ anything else but not your knife !!


