(VIDEO) Learn How to Make Some Delicious Acorn Coffee While Bugging Out!

Acorn Coffee

Below you can try her method, in the wild, or if you are trying it for the first time, why not just gather those acorns and take her steps over the stove top at home? We figure if you can master it one way then the other will be a snap!

Yes, it does look like a process and time consuming but, all things considered, if you are anything like us, we are willing to take the time for a good cup of coffee!

And, considering that acorns are fairly plentiful, why not give it a try?! If it’s good enough for Lilly and her Grandma, it’s good enough for us!


  1. Sandra said:

    I am very surprised by good taste of coffee from acorns. Recently did this myself how it tastes and it is quite good. I’ll take inventory of her home. Interestingly there are several recipes for her http://www.open-youweb.com/how-to-make-acorn-coffee/ but do not know what is the best, maybe preferable to try to do them all. Can someone already knows best?


