[VIDEO] Learn How To Make Cordage From Materials Found In Nature

Cordage is an underrated asset in any survivalist's toolkit. It's may not fall into one of those “life or death” categories, but having a good supply of reliable cordage will make your life a whole lot easier in a survival situation.

To see how much we rely on cordage, go into the woods for a few days with no cordage whatsoever. You will be shocked at how much you need and how critical a good supply of cordage is to secure, tie down and attach things.

So what happens if a survival situation hits and you are separated from your bug-out bag or survival kit?

Your ability to make cordage from natural substances will enable  you to do a lot more than without it.

Today we have a video that shows you how to make this essential product, using only natural fibers you can find just about anywhere.

Head over to page 2 and Learn How To Make Cordage From Materials Found In Nature!


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  1. Perry Gonzales said:

    Awesome tutorial. I alluded to this awhile back on previous did video. My thoughts are exactly as he stated. Making( cordage) or rope out of natural materials is a life saver. Some of it is just commonsense other is actual skill.


