[VIDEO] Learn How To Make A Fire Torch With A Can Of Tuna

You never know where you will find yourself when a survival situation hits. That means your ability to improvise and use the resources you find is as important as any survival preparation you invest time and money in.

If, for instance, you are separated from your survival kit or bug-out bag, you will have to use the tools that are available to make it through.

One priority you will have is to manufacture a light source for once it gets dark. If you are separated from your survival gear, one easy way to get a light source is with a can of Tuna!

It has to be Tuna packed in oil, but in a pinch, this improvised lamp will burn for up to three-plus hours!

And when the flame goes out, the Tuna is still edible!

To see how to make a lamp from Tuna packed in oil, check out the video on the next page.


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