(Video) Learn From One Man’s Experience of Dispersed Primitive Camping in a National Forest

Wilderness Hike

To say there are some extra responsibilities and skills required for dispersed primitive camping is no exaggeration. If you camp-ground camp you know what fun it can be.

However, there are always trash cans around, fresh running water, and usually, some friendly ranger or fellow camper to lend advice. Not so with dispersed primitive camping!

You should know the following before you attempt it: Make sure you have all the proper maps and information about the area you are camping in, know or at least have a good idea what is on the path you will be travelling (is it known for bears or wildcats?), and keep the water in your area clean. No waste products or soap. And be sure to leave the area you camped in as you found it.Don’t take souvenirs, leave the land as it is, please.

To learn more, go over to the next age and join our host by watching the video as he talks more about dispersed primitive camping in a national forest.

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  1. Jeff Ferguson said:

    “Car camping” can be a lot of fun but living out of a pack with zero infrastructure while exploring a beautiful wilderness area, or the like, is the best 🙂

  2. Ted DeWeese said:

    Certainly nothing extreme, but it’s nice he pays attention to his surroundings.

    I have to take exception to ONE thing. He uses his cup to fill his “dirty” water bottle. then he filters the “dirty” back to his cup…….. which is still dirty. Really ought to separate water better.

    Very nice clip. Thank you for sharing!

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