(VIDEO) Learn an Invaluable Skill of Processing the Mojave Yucca Leaf Into a Yucca Rope

yucca rope

Of all the big survival skills, most people know that fire starting, purifying water, and snaring animals are high on the list of useful skills to know in a rough situation. But what about making cordage?

Without a rope, you won’t be able to lash shelters or rafts, make snares, make bows or bow drills; the list goes on and on. Cordage is one of the most useful survival tools, which is why many survivalists and preppers stock up on paracord for SHTF.

But when you run out, lose yours, or simply don’t have any on hand when you find yourself in a survival situation, you’re going to have to make your own.

Many ancient peoples had preferred materials for making cordage, from grasses to strands of bark or even thistle strands. But one very strong version of natural fibers is those found in the yucca plant.

There’s a trick to making this rope properly, and you can learn it right now on the video on the next page.

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