[VIDEO] Knife Etching Technique for a Damascus Knife

damascus knife blades

In this video, the etcher uses Damascus steel and relies on the variations of the metal to form an awesome looking etch.

Undoubtedly, if you try this, there will be some trial and error, so make sure you start out with items that you can live without. That way if they are destroyed or altered in a way you don't end up liking you won't be disappointed.

As always, when dealing with corrosive agents like acid, please make sure you wear appropriate protective clothing and eye protection.

Do that, though, and you can etch your knives and metal items fairly simple and the results are incredible!

Have you tried etching metal? If so, tell us about it and any advice you have about your experiences below.


  1. Frank Logsdon said:

    Etching does not make a Damascus blade…only a fake blade.I’ve already been seeing these sold as Damascus to unknowing buyers.

  2. Daniel Forbes said:

    You can easily scratch or buff this fake treatment. This not how you make Damascus.

  3. David Griffin said:

    This is real damascus steel he’s trying different etching acids. Fericloride and vinegar mixed works best for my damascus steel. I think he’s sanding/polishing the metal to much after acid treatment!


