(Video) Join Survival Lilly as She Takes Us Through a Typical Overnight at Her Bug Out Camp!


Time to spend a day and a full night with Lilly at her Bug Out Camp! What supplies did she bring? Is her dog with her? How will she spend her time? Take a look:

It’s unfortunate that Lilly did not get as much sleep as she was hoping for, but interesting that it was because she was too hot! We think most of us would be worried we weren’t warm enough in the great outdoors! Nice to know if there is any snow on the ground that there is a product out there that will keep us warm and snug!

Lilly’s camp really does seem like a treasure, even well positioned enough to keep it dry when it’s been raining all night! We’ve said it before. If ever the SHTF we want to go where Lilly goes!

One Comment;

  1. Rod Coulon said:

    Over night camping and eating purchased food. I hope that’s not her long term bug out plan


