We’ve noticed through the years oddities in the clothes we wear and the everyday items we use. What are those holes for? Why do those rivets exit? What is that loop on the back of my shirt for?
Some of these things have become antiquated but still, manages to show up on everyday items.
Clearly, we all have our own ideas why the exist and we may not be too far from wrong. Yet, some of the real reasons may surprise you!
After the break go on over to the next page and look at a great video which may answer some questions that have been always nagging on your mind.
That’s right, those items we did not know the use for – until now!
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I don’t know why people just dont share the video, But make you visit some website to watch a video…. https://youtu.be/Y_KZuh0w18A
Who in the hell didn’t know what the home row bumps on a keyboard are for? Sad.
Click bait
Hey our site needs to look bigger so after the initial teaser that got you to click this first link, we will try to get you extra hyped about what comes next, so go to the next page to see what you actually came for.
Click bait
I hate that$#%&!@* I usually always back away at that point but I had to find out what was in that video. Nothing but disappointment.
Ud have b pretty fuckin dumb not to know those
Quite interesting
Click bait. Time for me to leave this page.
Yup. Bye bye
Now I can sleep at night.
Fucking click bait