[VIDEO] Is Your Car Equipped With Bug Out Essentials?

With the amount of driving most of us do (it takes me 30 minutes to get to town – one way,) chances are very likely that you will be in your vehicle or away from home when a SHTF moment hits. if that happens, are you prepared?

Unless you work from home, chances are, even if you live in a city, you at least drive two and from work.

That is why it is critical that in addition to your home survival kit or bug-out bag, you also have an iteration of it in your vehicle.

It does not have to be as extensive as the one you keep stored at home, but it should have the basic survival necessities to be able to live in your vehicle if that becomes a reality.

The video on the next page will give you some ideas as to what you should have in your vehicle bug-out bag.


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