(Video) Is This the Ultimate Bug Out Location? Get a Tour From a Prepper and Decide!

off grid home

There is a lot of thought behind this bug-out location, including how to get there. While very rustic, we feel the necessities have been achieved. Check out their storage space, generators, entertainment devices and sleep areas!

While we love the thinking behind the structure, what is inside, including the bathroom – inside and out – and the six individual beds, we really feel the place needs a woman’s touch! As a female prepper, we can see things that could be made more comfortable if we were allowed to put our hand to making the place a bit more civilized!

However, in this bug-out home, we are excited and we are also impressed with the forethought of our host’s planning. With maps and appropriate backpacks, it is always a good idea to think about bugging out from your bug-out shelter! You never know what will be coming your way!


