(VIDEO) Is This the Ultimate Bug Out Bag? Discover What’s in This SHTF Bag That Makes it so Incredible!

bug out bag supplies

The great Benjamin Franklin once stated, “by failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.” That saying will prove itself to be true if you are caught in a tough situation without your bug out bag.

No one can predict when things will go awry or when you or your family will have to buckle down and fight for survival. You and your family's survival will be much more probable if you have you bug out bag packed and ready.

This bug out bag will come in handy in the event of an earthquake, wildfire, power outage, or worse.

After watching this video and being informed by this professional prepper, I feel like I'm ready for anything. Never would I have thought to pack some of these things, but I'm sure glad that they're in my bug out bag now.

After the break, discover what you will need in your bug out bag when SHTF. When the grid goes down you'll be glad this professional prepper taught you how to pack the ultimate bug out bag!

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  1. Nichol Ferguson said:

    He shows string in first items after EDC.
    It’s black on a spool.
    Good tip, though – I carry 100 ft paracord and 200ft nylon ‘load twine’ in OD green. Couldn’t find black.

  2. Michael Lessick said:

    Don-t forget the plastic tarps…wherever you are…don’t forget the plastic tarps….They’ll keep you dry and out of the wind and in the desert they will collect water….

  3. Dave Marx said:

    How about a pack of bubble gum with foil wrapping and at least one or 2 batteries? Or a mini tube of flex seal / rubber sealant? Waterproof matches, fist aid kit, & some kind of tarp? Hopefully some of that will be covered next time.

  4. Danr Ulrich Wylfgær said:

    Would have liked to watch the video but my data is low and refused to coroparet.
    None the less, seemed like a good article, for me bushcrsft skill is the key to my bugout bag. I carry light, rope, cord, striker, knife or two, and give or take a gun… Usually will be used for self defense. Not so much hunting. The way I see it, if one can use nature to his will, one can survive with minimum tools.

  5. Jay Genske said:

    Bug out bags are a necessity. However they are not with in arms reach at all times. So as important as they are one must also educate and train on improvising when that bag is not there. Don’t let yourselves be lulled into a false sense of security because you put a couple together. Also buy tried and true materials for your bag and not things like cheap imported knives and things your life may depend on. Too many places that sell gear will push cheap inferior garbage on you that may cost your life in a situation.

  6. Doug Harris said:

    All of his equipment is new . That’s a red flag for me . Learn from people who live the lifestyle .

  7. Pat Burgwin said:

    Good thought process…..One headlamp too many & one fixed blade knife too many…..I’ll try to find Part 2 Video.

  8. Kevin Manzanares said:

    So many of these so called bug out bags are way to heavy and contain to many pieces. Essentials that’s all you need to carry, your not bugging out to feel like your staying at the Hilton. It’s called “survival ” not vacation

  9. Guy Lundgren said:

    It was 8 degrees here last night… you’re gonna need alot more than that!


