(Video) In High Definition, Watch a Large Spider Being Caught in a Venus Flytrap!

Now, before you panic – and I doubt few of you are – we do not think Venus Flytraps are mutating and are ready to take over the world. But this video, as a survival lesson, shows us how plants and animals work in the wild and why we should always be aware of our surroundings.

Pretty chilling stuff here… especially if you are a small insect or an arachnid!

The animals and plants in our world are darn incredible! Survivalists need to respect the earth they live in, its fellow creatures, now and in the future.

While hunting may be in the stars for all preppers once the SHTF, we need to remember to hold wildlife in great esteem or one day, one way or another, we may all end up like that small spider in the above video!


  1. Daniel Manning said:

    God that was awesome….There’s an awesome segment in either planet earth or life on all the carnivorous plants in the world

  2. Joe Pavia said:

    The segment in the fungus that takes over insects then bursts spores out of their bodies was interesting

  3. Daniel Manning said:

    That always terrified me. Cordicepts fungus. After I watched that I always told people if the zombie apocalypse ever happened that’d be how it starts

  4. Joe Pavia said:

    I take a workout supplement with cordicept mushrooms. Makes your blood process oxygen faster


