(Video) How to Use a Two-By-Four to “Unstuck” a Vehicle!

two by four unstuck car

Pretty much anywhere you live, even in an urban jungle, getting your vehicle stuck is a possibility and in many areas, it is the “cost of doing business.”

Snow, ice, mud, even wet gravel, can all lead to your vehicle losing traction and you're going from a ways to get from point A to point B to a multi-thousand-pound paperweight.

There are many options for getting unstuck, including using ashes and sand to build traction, digging your way out, using traction strips and getting pulled out, to name just a few.

One way most of have not considered, however, is to use a two-by-four as a “bridge” through the area that your vehicle has become stuck in.

Strapped horizontally across the tire, with room enough to clear the wheel well and a two-by-four can help get just enough leverage to get out of the jam you are in.

Check out the video on the next page to see how.

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  1. Connie Herrin said:

    Just don’t stand behind the truck if the wheel throws that 2 x 4 out.


