(Video) How to Use a Soda Can to Open a Padlock


This hack for opening a padlock with a soda can is amazing, every prepper is going to want to know this hack!

When a collapse occurs, you are probably going to have to bug out and find somewhere else to live that is safer. Depending on how long you have to live off the grid, you might run low on your bug out supplies. This means that you might have to look for supplies in cities, towns and other places.

However, what happens if you could across a building that might have supplies but it has a padlock on it? Or what if you find a storage locker but it also has a padlock on it? This probably can be solved easier than you might think and all you need is a soda can! We couldn't believe how well this worked until we saw the video.

This just proves that every prepper has to find creative solutions for many problems they may be faced with. You never know when a solution like this might help you out!

To learn how open a padlock with just a soda can, please head on over to the next page and watch the amazing video to see how it's done.

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