(VIDEO) How to Successfully Start Fire When it’s Raining. It’s Tricky But Easy Once You Know THIS Trick!

punk wood

Every hard day out in the wilderness should end with a satisfying campfire. You should be able to have a hot meal, no matter what the rain clouds say. With the steps below, you can.

The distinction between standing dead and lying dead trees is a pretty big one. A standing dead tree will 99.99% of the time be completely dry on the inside, even if there is a monsoon raging. A fallen tree, though, will 99.99% of the time be pretty damp, even in a drought.

As you can see in the video, you should also carry some cotton balls soaked in petroleum jelly, just in case you can’t find birch bark for tinder. Fatwood is also a spectacular choice if you can get your hands on some. Use these tips and don’t let the next rain keep you from enjoying a fire.

Use these tips and don’t let the next rain keep you from enjoying a fire.



