(Video) How to Quickly and Efficiently Hotwire a Car

how to hotwire a car

It's an unfortunate situation: You have a vital work meeting to get to, or your child needs to be picked up from school, but you can't find your car keys. Either you misplaced them somewhere, and you forget to pick them up, or they fell out of your pocket as you went throughout your day.

Whatever the case may be, if you have a keypad on the side of your car or it happens to be unlocked, getting into your car won't be an issue. Now you just need to face the prospect of getting it started without having any car keys.

Luckily with a little bit of know-how, many vehicles can be hotwired in just a few minutes and also be driven to the place you need to be, where you hopefully have an extra set of keys. Knowing how to hotwire an abandoned car is also a relevant skill to learn should you need to use it post-collapse.

To learn a quick and efficient way to hotwire a car during an emergency or SHTF situation, check out a straightforward video after the break. 

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  1. Noah Motion said:

    I’ve seen it work with older model motorcycles, also. For legitimate diagnostic purposes, of course 🙂

  2. David Lawrence said:

    You are right. Because this is the only page on the Internet to learn this stuff, been top secret until now. Cats out of the bag, lock your doors because the whole bunch of criminally intentioned people now know how to steal your pink smart car.

  3. Steve Gibson said:

    So cool you’ve got a running car with the steering wheel still locked.

  4. Mickey Crawford Sr. said:

    lol….it’s a little more complicated with today’s vehicles. no coils…no distributors.unless you actually know what wire and where or have a wiring diagram. older cars…no prob

  5. Thom Brouillette said:

    Yah when they had could you could also just reach under tree dash and cross ignition wires

  6. Jake Triano said:

    Uhh.. instead of putting a hot wire to the coil you put it to the computer… same difference right ?

  7. Joseph Allen said:

    Yea and you will fry the computer and the vehicle is useless. If your going to have to Hotwire a modern vehicle you need to find a very basic model…the ones with very little electronics (no power window, locks, etc). Might work then.

  8. Kevin McErlean said:

    Modern cars typically have a module, where years ago you had a cylinder linked to the wheel lock and the rod to the ignition switch.

  9. Carl Renninger said:

    They are about 35 years to Late with this info. The picture says it all the screw driver touching the positive post on the ignition coil. LOL! I don’t know what that would accomplish.

  10. Anonymous said:

    Impossible on modern cars with chipped keys and encrypted immobilizers, having $10k of the latest diagnostic computer won’t help either unless you have the manufacturer specific pin codes to access the security modules.

  11. Tucker Brooks said:

    Lmao. Unless the car around 45-50 years old this doesn’t do jack$#%&!@* Even if you could get the engine running this way, how are you planning on steering with a locked steering column?

  12. Hunter Maclean said:

    Great! Now I can steal any vehicle before 1969.

    I’m gonna be such a bad$#%&!@*

  13. Vinny Alaimo said:

    Lot of know it alls out here……..lol. the simple fact is we don’t need more information published to help criminals that would do us harm. Pure and simple

  14. Blazen Daze said:

    Please don’t forget to let everyone know just how easy it really is to get shot and/or get your hands chopped clean off if someone wants to hot wire the wrong car!! Don’t even get me started on what would happen if someone tried to steal one of my motorcycles!!

  15. Bill Johnson said:

    NO !!! Do not do it this way , always label wires before cutting . Gloves not needed use insulated cutters do not touch any grounded or other hot wires . After stripping and joining wires ( put a wire nut on it not tape ) and all other wires cut same thing label , and put a wire nut on it .

  16. John Broughman said:

    Yes right they would have a slug in there head plant a knife on him and say when I caught him he lunged at you with it

  17. Tyler Borst said:

    In any car with a keyed or chipped ignition it would be impossible to actually get the car to “fire” without the key in the run position there is no power sent to the distributor. You will just be sitting there turning over the engine with little result

  18. Tim Earl said:

    Grounding, ur supposed to bridge with the screwdriver. But this pic is like 20 yrs late.

  19. Doug Las said:

    Great tip! Since this only works on antique vehicles, will you also have future tips on how to steal a Model-T?

  20. Richard Cannon said:

    Ok. So now you have bypassed the ignition and have a running engine. Now , how are you going to turn the steering wheel?

  21. Terry Peake said:

    How does placing 12v on an ignition coil start a car. Too many adverts to fight through to see the end. Even old cars require a lot more.

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